Try the TRY Model for Transformational Leadership

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If your wish to make your organisation, team or relationships flourish, try the TRY Leadership Model. As a leader,

Trust your team members. Trusting someone makes them develop a sense of accountability. This intrinsically motivates them to do justice to the trust you have reposed in them.

Respect your team members. Whether someone is on the initial steps of the organisational hierarchy or at its highest level, treat them all with respect. This will make the entire team respect you. Once this respect is won, they become open to accepting your vision as their own.

Ask each of your team members, “what can the organisation (or I) do for You?” It is usual to ask team members about the contributions they make to the organisation, their productivity, efficiency and so on. Instead, for a change, ask them what the organisation can do for them. 

Unresolved bottlenecks inhibit individuals from making their best contributions in an organisation.  By shifting the focus to what the organisation can do for them, a leader can unleash their intrinsic motivation to excel by addressing these bottlenecks head on.

The TRY Model has the seeds of transformational impact in a multitude of settings. By enabling relationships to flourish, it can intrinsically motivate team members to be on your side and offer the best of their capabilities while creating an environment where everyone can flourish.

For organic organisational transformation, try the TRY Model now.